With Kdenlive we can insert real or simulated lightning clips into our videos, both as a thunderstorm effect or as a result of some magic. And to do it you only need a few steps, still having the chance to customize the result.

With Kdenlive we can insert real or simulated lightning clips into our videos, both as a thunderstorm effect or as a result of some magic. And to do it you only need a few steps, still having the chance to customize the result.
Do you like the idea of ​making your actors fly? With Kdelive, a green towel, and some small tricks this is possible. And if you use the correct lighting your result will be able to compete with those of the great cinema productions.
A nice effect, which lends itself to many uses in the production of films, consists in making an actor cross an obstacle such as a wall. Can our actors go through the walls? Of course, with the Kdenlive superpowers.